Students enjoy second annual Family Valentine’s  Dance hosted by the SFX Home and School Association

Students at Saint Francis Xavier (SFX) Catholic School attended the second annual Family Valentine’s Dance on Saturday and raised approximately $900 for the SFX Home and School Association (HSA). 

The HSA sold 139 tickets to students and family members in all grade levels. Students and their families arrived in the Parish Hall for dancing, snacks, activities and music.

According to HSA President Krissy Custis, the idea for the dance started when a parent of an SFX student suggested that the school should host a daddy-daughter dance for its female students. The HSA ran with the idea and expanded the dance to the entire family. After last year’s event, several people expressed interest in another dance for 2024.

This year, a group of 12 SFX parents helped decorate the Parish Hall. The HSA hired professional DJ Charles Pharo to play a variety of family-friendly music. However, many of the songs were chosen by the SFX Student Council. Younger students took breaks from the dance floor to draw with friends at the coloring station set up by the HSA.

Meanwhile, hungry attendees snacked on cookies, chips, Valentine M&M's and bottled water. 

Custis explained that this year’s dance saw a 30% increase in attendance from last year.

“Without our parents, their donations and time this event would not have been possible,” Custis said. “Our decorating crew did an amazing job and I am very thankful to have had them this year. We are also looking forward to this becoming a yearly event and hope to see it grow as time goes forward.”

St. Francis Xavier Catholic School is an accredited classical Catholic PreK-8 school in Birmingham’s Crestline neighborhood that uses the time-tested Catholic Intellectual Tradition to form students in virtue through the pursuit of academic excellence and service toward God and neighbor. 

You can stay up to date with the school by connecting with us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Will Blakely

Will Blakely serves as the Director of Marketing & Enrollment for St. Francis Xavier Catholic School. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in public relations from Auburn University and lives in Birmingham with his wife Emily, who grew up in the St. Francis Xavier parish. For admissions questions, or to schedule a tour of the school, you can reach Will at 205-871-1687 or


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