Saint-A-Thon is an annual fundraiser hosted by Saint Francis Xavier Catholic School’s Home and School Association. It consists of a marathon of pledge/sponsorship collections and a series of fun family-friendly events, culminating at the Fun Run during the school day on Friday, April 11. Our goal is to raise $50,000!
Help us Celebrate 70 Years of Saints!
Saint Francis Xavier School relies on your generosity to continue providing an affordable and outstanding classical Catholic education to students year after year. Contributions to the Annual Fund Campaign Drive help SFX School bridge the roughly $2,000 gap between the average tuition cost and the actual cost of educating a child at Saint Francis Xavier School. Help us reach our campaign goal of $70,000!
OR TEXT ‘DONATE’ TO 205-708-3250
Ensure a Future for Catholic Education!
Funded by the generous donations of parishioners, school alumni, and local businesses, the St. Francis Xavier Catholic School Endowment Fund has provided financial support for St. Francis Xavier Catholic School for the past three decades.
The Endowment Fund supports the educational mission of the school through the following activities:
Annual awards of financial aid to eligible students at St. Francis Xavier Catholic School
Financial support for educational enrichment and instructional support programs for faculty, staff, and students
Financial support for strategic planning initiatives for the school
The board of directors of the St. Francis Xavier Catholic School Foundation provides oversight and management of the the Endowment Fund. Members of the board include parishioners of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, alumni of St. Francis Xavier Catholic School, and representatives from the parish's Finance Council.
How do I give?
Donations to the Endowment Fund can be made by contacting the St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Office at 205-827-1153 or by placing a donation in a specially designated church envelope.
You can also give online using the link below: