SFX students sing, read at weekend Masses in honor of Catholic Schools Week
This week is Catholic Schools Week (CSW) and, to celebrate, some Saint Francis Xavier (SFX) Catholic School students kicked the week off by singing and reading Sacred Scripture at all weekend Masses for the parish.
Several SFX students participated in the Mass readings: seventh-grader Sofia Echemendia, fourth-grader Ana Echemendia, fourth-grader Dixon James, seventh-grader Ephram James, seventh-grader Ally Vargas, third-grader Christopher Vargas and eighth-grader Jordan Beckham.
The SFX School Fifth through Eighth Grade Choir also sang “God Be in My Head” by Andrea Ramsey at the 11 a.m. Mass.
“These students work hard each week in choir and really stepped up to sing beautifully and to use their gifts to serve the Lord through song,” said SFX music teacher Erin Ludwick.
SFX School has two student choirs, one for third and fourth graders and another for the students in the fifth through eighth grades.
The SFX School Chior already sings every Wednesday at school Mass, which begins at 10:00 a.m. and is open to the public.
Representatives from SFX School were in the vestibule before and after Mass greeting parishioners and handing out information about the school. Members of the SFX School Board spoke after Holy Communion at each Mass.
At 2:30 p.m., the school welcomed prospective parents to an Open House, where they got to tour the school and meet the teachers. Parents who missed Sunday’s Open House can still schedule a tour at their convenience by calling me at 205-871-1687 or sending me an email at wblakely@sfxcatholic.com.
The school’s new student applications open on Thursday. Current parents are already in the process of re-enrolling their children.
St. Francis Xavier Catholic School is an accredited classical Catholic PreK-8 school in Birmingham’s Crestline neighborhood that uses the time-tested Catholic Intellectual Tradition to form students in virtue through the pursuit of academic excellence and service toward God and neighbor.
You can stay up to date with the school by connecting with us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.