SFX second-graders show off 3D dinosaur projects to over 200 fellow students and visitors

Students in Ms. Marie Hayes’s second-grade class showed off their prehistoric exhibition projects on Thursday to over 200 students and visitors in the school cafeteria.

Saint Francis Xavier Catholic School (SFX) second-grade students were learning about fossils and dinosaurs in class before Ms. Hayes tasked them with creating a three-dimensional project to demonstrate their favorite dinosaurs.

“Some children did further research on the dinosaurs studied in class, while others chose a completely new and interesting dinosaur,” Ms. Hayes explained. “Those students became the teacher with their new information to share with the class in the morning and then along with all the children explained and taught the visitors that came in the afternoon.”

SFX students from all grade levels came to the cafeteria to see the final product. Parents were also welcome to attend. The second graders sat next to their project and provided details as visitors left comments.

“There were many questions for the budding paleontologists and amazing comments recorded by the observers on each child’s comment sheet,” said Ms. Hayes.

Second-grader Andrea Caycedo said the prehistoric exhibition day was “the best day ever.”

Charlotte Osbun, another one of Ms. Hayes’s second-graders, said she was nervous to show off her work to other children and guests and that she could only remember one fact, but that at the end of the day, she was happy.

“I was happy because people got to learn about dinosaurs,” said second-grader Rolan Mitchell. “They opened their mouth looking at the actual size of the Utah Raptor’s claw!”

SFX scholars are encouraged to approach natural science with a sense of wonder and appreciation for the complexity of God’s creation. This is due in part to our integrated Catholic curriculum, which draws connections between science, the liberal arts and our faith.

Saint Francis Xavier Catholic School is an accredited classical Catholic PreK-8 school in Birmingham’s Crestline neighborhood that uses the time-tested Catholic Intellectual Tradition to form students in virtue through the pursuit of academic excellence and service toward God and neighbor. 

You can stay up to date with the school by connecting with us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Will Blakely

Will Blakely serves as the Director of Marketing & Enrollment for St. Francis Xavier Catholic School. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in public relations from Auburn University and lives in Birmingham with his wife Emily, who grew up in the St. Francis Xavier parish. For admissions questions, or to schedule a tour of the school, you can reach Will at 205-871-1687 or wblakely@sfxcatholic.com.


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