Students close out Saint-A-Thon with Fun Run, raise $37,000

St. Francis Xavier (SFX) Catholic School’s Home and School Association completed its annual Saint-A-Thon fundraiser on Friday with a Fun Run.

Saint-A-Thon is the SFX Home and School Association’s annual fundraiser. It generally takes place during the spring months and culminates in a Fun Run in which SFX students celebrate their success in gaining sponsors and raising money for the school.

Before the Fun Fun, SFX Principal Mary Paige Griffin led the school in prayer, then students stood for the National Anthem, and SFX Coach Jeff Berry instructed them through a series of warm-up stretches.

During the Fun Run, D.J. Charles Faro provided the music as students ran, skipped, and walked the track on the blacktop behind the school, all wearing their red St. Francis t-shirts. 

Preschool and kindergarten students ran on the greenspace next to the blacktop. 

After the run, students enjoyed popsicles outside. 

Several parent volunteers arrived early to help set up and stayed throughout the event to cheer on their children. 

This year, the Home and School Association raised a total of $37,000, which is greater than last year’s total. This included direct contributions from families and donors, local business sponsorships, and profit from the Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction on April 11. 

"Many, many thanks to all who contributed to our 2024 Saint-A-Thon fundraiser!” said Ms. Griffin. “Each and every gift is a blessing to our school. I am so proud of the hard work of our Home and School Association and am excited for our students to benefit from the funds raised in the coming year. Go Saints!"

Saint-A-Thon is not the only way for families, parish, and community members to support our school. Generous donors can still give to our Annual Fund online.

Contributions to the Annual Fund help SFX School bridge the roughly $2,000 gap between the average tuition cost and the actual cost of educating a child at Saint Francis Xavier School.

St. Francis Xavier Catholic School is an accredited classical Catholic PreK-8 school in Birmingham’s Crestline neighborhood that uses the time-tested Catholic Intellectual Tradition to form students in virtue through the pursuit of academic excellence and service toward God and neighbor. 

You can stay up to date with the school by connecting with us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Will Blakely

Will Blakely serves as the Director of Marketing & Enrollment for St. Francis Xavier Catholic School. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in public relations from Auburn University and lives in Birmingham with his wife Emily, who grew up in the St. Francis Xavier parish. For admissions questions, or to schedule a tour of the school, you can reach Will at 205-871-1687 or


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